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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton Postgraduate study

Dr Ben Callow PhD, MSci

Postgraduate researcher

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Dr Ben Callow is a postgraduate researcher within Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton at the University of Southampton.

My PhD is in the field of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), where I combine outcrop characterisation, subsurface data interpretation and Digital Rock physics to quantify fluid-flow processes in porous media.

2012-2016: Master of Science (MSci) in Geology with First Class Honours, University of Southampton
(Award for obtaining the highest graduating aggregate mark of 78%).

Masters (MSci) thesis: Mineral carbonation of Mg-Ca-silicate rocks for permanent CO 2 storage. The research focused on basalt core 3D pore network visualisation and quantification using X-ray micro computed tomography (CT). Supervisor: Dr Juerg Matter

Research interests

• Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS)
• Fluid flow mechanics through porous medium
• Pore network characterisation and visualisation
• Sedimentology, Petrology and Field Geology

My current major interests are in using quantitative methods to further understand fluid mechanics and pore network characterisation of rock for applications to carbon capture and storage, environmental monitoring, as well as the oil and gas industry.

My Masters thesis used X-ray micro-computed tomography (CT) to devise a 3-dimensional pore network model, in order to quantify the CO 2 storage potential of a basalt rock reservoir, as part of the CarbFix Project.

My PhD thesis looks to characterise the permeability and structure of onshore and offshore chimney structures in order to quantify and assess the risk of CO 2 leakage from storage sites underlying these structures. The key aim of the project is to quantify the permeability and fully understand the dynamics and mechanisms of fluid flow through chimney structures, fracture networks and unconsolidated sediment. My work will contribute to two international research projects, STEMM-CCS (WP3-Leakage Pathways through the overburden) and CHIMNEY .

I have been actively involved in the CarbFix , ACT-DETECT and GASRIP Projects

Research project : Characterising the permeability and structure of onshore and offshore chimney structures – relevance to Carbon Capture and Storage


Professor Jon Bull
Dr Ismael Falcon-Suarez
Dr Thomas Gernon
Dr Sharif Ahmed

Research group

Geology and Geophysics

Affiliate research group


Research project(s)

STEMM-CCS – Strategies for the Environmental Monitoring of Marine Carbon Capture and Storage



SOES6059 : Basin Analysis

SOES2033 : Structural Geology

SOES6064 : Barrel Award

Dr Ben Callow
School of Ocean and Earth Science
Dr Ben Callow's personal home page
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