Applications for most of our MSc & MRes programmes are made using our online application form.
Applications for October entrance to Ocean and Earth Science programmes should be submitted before 31 July of the same year. If you are a UK/EU applicant and would like to be considered for Ocean and Earth Science or equivalent funding, your application must be submitted before the end of June.
To apply for postgraduate study you must satisfy the University’s general entry requirements as well as any specific requirements for your chosen programme.
As well as academic qualifications and practical experience, we look for evidence of your interest in the programme and an understanding of the rigorous demands of postgraduate study.
If you are an international student you will need to ensure that your academic and English language qualifications meet our entry requirements. You should apply as early as possible if you need to secure a UK visa or if you are applying for funding or sponsorship. Visit the University’s International students’ pages for more details.
Studentship opportunities become available throughout the year. The majority of these studentships are backed by UK Research Councils and charitable trusts. Details of these studentships are advertised as they become available.
Please check the details of each studentship to identify whether you are eligible to apply. Many studentship opportunities are only available to UK and EU students.
Check the details of bursaries and other awards available for researchers in chemistry, as well as a information about fees and other costs.
Most programmes require additional supporting documentation to be submitted as part of the application process. These can be uploaded with the online application form. Decisions regarding admissions are not made until an application is considered to be complete. You will be sent an acknowledgement email as soon as we have received your application.
You can go to the online application form and find your programme via the Programme Search page. The exception is MSc Marine Environment and Resources . You will need to create a login ID to enter the site. You will be sent an acknowledgement email as soon as we have received your application and you can use the online tracking function to track the progress of your application.
You must submit a:
You will also be required to supply a reference. This can either be an academic or employer reference. When completing the reference section on the online application form please remember to write the referees' email addresses, as the system automatically sends an email reference request. The email your referees receives will give information on what to include in the reference. Your referee can then email or post the reference back to us.
Applications will only be considered when all documentation has been received.
This is required within 30 days of submitting your application. Any supporting documents not uploaded with your online application form should be emailed or sent in the post.
When completing the online application form, please note that our programmes are within the Faculty of Natural and Environmental Science.
You should apply for this Joint European programme through
Where possible we try to interview prospective postgraduate students. This will involve a visit to Southampton and an interview with one or more prospective supervisors. This allows you to see our facilities, ask questions and for us to assess you with regard to your suitability for the research project. If this process is not possible, we sometimes interview by phone/Skype. Further details on this process are available on request.
For general and application-related enquiries, contact the Adminstrative Officer, Email:
The University cannot accept responsibility for external websites.