Our Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) facilities include a ThermoFisher TRITON Plus (7 Collectors) and a VG Sector 54 (7 Collectors). These instruments are both housed in a purpose built clean laboratory together with facilites for loading samples and preparing filaments.
Routine analyses include Sr, Nd, and Pb (using a double spike) isotope ratios. Additional capability includes U/Th ratos and B isotopes.
Precise measurements of the isotopic ratios of elements in geological, environmental and archaeological samples allow many processes on the planet to be investigated.
Examples of work carried out on these instruments include:
In addition to carrying out analyses to support research projects across Southampton University and through collaborations around the world, we undertake bespoke analyses on behalf of commercial partners. We have a group of expert scientific and technical staff who are happy to engage in confidential discussions and provide quotes for interested users.
We work closely with groups within NOCS, across Southampton University and from research organisations worldwide. We are always looking to extend our research portfolio and welcome enquiries from potential collaborators, especially those seeking support for post-doctoral fellowships.