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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS: Agilent 8900

Our Agilent 8900 is a second–generation ICP-QQQ (or ICP-MS/MS). It has a range of configurations to cover applications from routine analysis to advanced research and high-performance materials analysis. In addition to its basic single quad mode, the MS/MS mode permits controlled and consistent interference removal via reaction chemistry. Multiple cell gas options permit bespoke method development for the reliable analysis of elements in problematic sample matrices.

Excellent plasma robustness and multiple sample introduction modes give the instrument wide sample compatibility, including HF and organics. Plug-in software permits integrated control of our laser ablation system.

Agilent 8900
Agilent 8900 triple Quad IPCMS. Image credit: Agilent

Current Activity

The analyses of element concentrations are a vital part of our research within the geochemistry group. Examples of the work carried out on this instrument include:

Solution Mode:

Laser Mode:

Consultancy Work

In addition to carrying out analyses to support research projects across University of Southampton and through our collaborators around the world, we also undertake bespoke analyses on behalf of commercial partners.

We have a group of expert scientific and technical staff who are happy to engage in confidential discussions and provide quotes for interested users.

Future Work

We are always looking to extend our research portfolio and welcome enquiries from potential collaborators, especially those seeking support for post-doctoral fellowships.

Key Contacts

Professor Andy Milton
Dr Matthew Cooper

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