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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Research project: Detection of abrupt changes in land and ocean ecosystems

Currently Active:

Developing data-driven methods to identify and characterize abrupt changes

The Earth’s climate system and ecosystems often exhibit abrupt changes, which due to the limited time to adapt can have severe socio-economic impacts. The likelihood of such abrupt changes is increasing in many ecosystems. General understanding of abrupt changes is limited by the lack of a flexible and accessible data-driven approach to characterize them. By providing flexible statistical tools especially tailored to analyse abrupt changes in the climate and ecosystems, this project is going to improve robustness and reliability of abrupt changes detection leading to a better evidence and understanding of their underlying mechanisms.

Key Contacts

Claudie Beaulieu, PI
Rebecca Killick , Mathematics and Statistics, Lancaster University, Co-PI

Abrupt changes are detectable using change-point analysis
Abrupt changes are detectable using change-point analysis


EPSRC through the SECURE network : Statistics of Environmental Change, Resources and Ecosystems

PhDs and Other Opportunities


Associated research themes

SECURE network

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