The Holocene (c.11,700 Yrs B.P. – Present day) is a period of relative climate stability, punctuated by abrupt climate events ( e.g. 8.2 Ky event), and centennial scale variability (e.g. Little Ice Age). It provides a unique example of major anthropogenic impact on the environment and climate.
Studying the climate and environment of the Holocene provides information to help plan for and predict future climate change and environment pressure. However, climate and environmental data only cover the past 200 years and so proxies are need to complete the record through the Holocene.
Lake sediments studies (palaeolimnology) allow for a high resolution of seasonal to decadal multi-proxy approach to climate and environmental reconstruction. This project uses new sediment cores from Windermere, Lake District National Park, which provide an intermittently laminated sediment record extending from G-S 1 to the present day.
As yet no annual- through decadal- scale climate and environmental reconstruction for the Holocene exists for the U.K. mainland.
A proxy record here is of international significance because the climate is influenced by globally important Atlantic climate systems. It also lies between the well-established climate proxy records of Greenland and Central Europe which show diachroneity of the timing of major climate events such as the 8.2 ky.
An environmental proxy record would also aid in understanding environmental response to climate change in a modern setting, and provide catchment reference condition to assist with now statutory water quality and catchment restoration.
Project aims:
Decadal resolution reconstruct of the Holocene climate and environment of the Windermere catchment.
Assess the timing of climate and environmental response of Holocene climate events centennial climate shifts.
Assess the impact that Humans have had on the environment of the Windermere catchment with a focus on recent industrial era activity.
Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-radiography, and thin section microscopy.
μm-scale ITRAX XRF. The focus on changes in indicators of terrigenous input (Ti, K), redox conditions (Mn:Fe), heavy metals (Pb, Zn and Cu).
Chironomid inferred mean July air temperature.
Other methods; diatoms inferred lake environmental reconstruction (Barker, Lancaster), Nitrogen and carbon Isotope based environmental reconstructions (Lang, BGS) and pollen based lake catchment flora reconstruction.
Chronology: bulk sediment and sub fossil radiocarbon dating, Cs
and Pb
radioisotopes and PSV curve.
Related Associated Projects
Key Contacts:
Mr James Fielding (PhD student)
Professor Alan Kemp
Professor Jon Bull
Dr Carol Cotterill
, Marine and Coastal Geoscientist, BGS
Dr Peter Langdon
Miss Rachael Avery
Dr Richard Pearce
Dr Helen Miller
PhDs and Other Opportunities