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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Research project: Trophic and Spacial Ecology of Marine Predators

Currently Active:

Stable isotopes (e.g. C, N, O, H, S) provide a wealth of ecological information on diet, location and physiological condition of animals. We are interested in all applications of stable isotopes to ecology, particularly in marine systems.

Modelled salmon feeding grounds
Salmon feeding grounds

Spatial Ecology

We have pioneered the use of co-varying time series of carbon isotopes and environmental drivers to identify feeding grounds and migration routes in pelagic marine predators.

Porbeagle shark
Porbeagle shark

Historic trends in ecosystem function

Tissues of high trophic level animals integrate an isotopic record of ecosystem structure and function.

We are exploring the use of stable isotope time series to identify bottom-up controls on ecosystem function.

Atlantic herring
Atlantic herring

Modelling Marine Isoscapes

We are developing global models to predict spatial distribution and temporal variability in stable isotopes in primary producers. These models will be used to track marine animals and explore the predicted effects of climate change on tissue isotopes.

Key Contacts

Dr. Clive Trueman

Dr. Kirsteen Mackenzie

Dr. Craig Longmore

Dr. Joe Scutt-Phillips

Prof. Martin Palmer

PhDs and Other Opportunities


Associated research themes

Geochemical Ecology

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