Dr Anthony Fogg PhD, BSc (Hons)
Research Fellow

Dr Anthony Fogg is a Research Fellow in Geology and Geophysics within Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton at the University of Southampton.
Geophysicist with a specialism in Quantitative Interpretation and rock physics. Working on the ACROSS project, NW Australia.
Anthony obtained his first degree in Geophysics (Geological) from the University of Leicester (UK) and his PhD in Geophysics from the University of Leeds (UK) where he was sponsored by British Coal. Anthony has an oil company background working as an explorationist in the UK North Sea for Amoco UK Exploration Ltd and as a consultant for Statoil ASA in Norway. He also spent a period working on and offshore undertaking wireline logging operations. For over twenty years he has led and advised geoscience teams in the provision of bespoke rock physics studies for private, national and multi-national corporations in basins across the globe. He has also presented many technical papers and case studies at industry conferences and in journals. Anthony has taught a variety of courses in the geosciences including EAGE courses since 2012 (refer to online E-lecture entitled “Applied AVO”). He has written and presented courses for non-geoscience organisations, schools, universities and adult learning colleges promoting greater understanding of geology and geophysics by the general public.