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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Dr Alejandro Torrado

Research Fellow

Dr Alejandro Torrado's photo

Dr Alejandro Torrado is a Research Fellow within Ocean and Earth Science at the University of Southampton.

Photosynthesis…Photosynthesis never changes

October 2019 – Present: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Southampton

2017-2019: Postdoctoral Researcher at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich (Postdoctoral supervisor: Dario Leister), Munich, Germany

2013-2017: PhD in the Institute of Plant Biochemistry and Photosynthesis (PhD supervisor: Fernando P. Molina-Heredia) at the University of Seville, Spain

2012-2013: MSc in Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, University of Seville, Spain

2006-2012: BSc in Biology, University of Seville, Spain

Research interests

I am interested in the photosynthetic mechanisms that regulates the electron flow. A better understanding of this mechanism will allow us to utilize this energy to power proteins with biotechnological applications, as the well-known cytochromes P450 enzymes.

Research group

Marine Biogeochemistry

Affiliate research group

Plants and Food Security

Research project(s)

Tapping the Unused Potential of Photosynthesis

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Dr Alejandro Torrado
Ocean and Earth Science
National Oceanography Centre Southampton
University of Southampton Waterfront Campus
European Way
Southampton SO14 3ZH

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