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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Dr Laura J Grange BSc (Hons), PhD

Visiting Fellow

Dr Laura J Grange's photo

I am a benthic marine ecologist, with a specialism in polar benthos. I use benthic systems as models to investigate marine biological and ecological theory, against a backdrop of changing environmental conditions.

BSc (Hons) Oceanography with Marine Biology, University of Southampton, 2001

PhD Reproductive success in Antarctic marine invertebrates, University of Southampton and the British Antarctic Survey (CASE partner), 2005

Project officer, Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies (CMACS Ltd), Liverpool, 2005-2008

Postdoctoral scholar, Oceanography Department, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Hawaii and Manoa, 2009-2013

Assistant Professor, Biology Department, College of Natural Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2012-2013

Research interests

Specialism: Benthic marine ecology - Polar marine benthos

My primary research interests focus on using benthic systems as models to investigate marine ecological and biological theory against a backdrop of changing environmental conditions, and evaluating benthic ecosystem responses to climate change. Antarctica and the seas around it offer an unparalleled natural laboratory for investigating some of the most fundamental questions in marine biology and ecology, especially with regards to environmental change and the impacts of climate warming, ice loss and changes in ocean productivity on the structure and function of ecosystems. I have studied systems on both sides of the Antarctic Peninsula, in both shallow and deep-water habitats, with my main focus on epibenthic megafauna. I have undertaken several studies to investigate seafloor ecological processes, and evaluated patterns in invertebrate reproductive success, benthic biodiversity and ecosystem evolution.

Research Projects:
FOOD for Benthos on the ANtarctic Continental Shelf (FOODBANCS 2)

LARsen ice Shelf System, Antarctica (LARISSA)

Research group

Marine Biology and Ecology

Ad hoc reviewer for Polar Biology, Scientia Marina, Invertebrate Biology and Marine Ecology Progress Series

Ad hoc reviewer for Polar Programs Office, National Science Foundation (reviewing postdoctoral fellowship proposals)

Contributing to:

SOES 1003 IT communication, field and laboratory skills (Southampton residential Easter field course)

SOES 1006 Introduction to marine ecology

SOES 2027 Coastal and estuarine oceanography II

SOES 2030 Dale field marine biology fieldwork skills

SOES 3018 Applied oceanography and fieldwork (Falmouth fieldcourse)

SOES 3035 Oceanography research training (Guest lecturer & Group project tutor)

SOES 6001 Contemporary topics (co-ordinator)

SOES 6013 Introduction to Biological Oceanography (Guest lecturer)

SOES 6018 MSc key skills and literature review (co-coordinator)

SOES 6052 Tropical marine biology (Bermuda fieldcourse)

SOES 6008 Deep Sea Ecology (Guest lecturer)

Supervision and co-supervision of student projects (BSc, MSci, MSc)

Tutor for Science without Borders Brazilian one-year students

Dr Laura J Grange
Ocean and Earth Science

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