For initial enquiries about our capability or using our facilities please contact Dr. J. Andy Milton.
For more information regarding specific instruments and laboratories please click the linked titles below.
Delivers high-throughput elemental analysis via solution or solid sample introduction.
High-sensitivity elemental and isotopic analysis via solution or solid sample introduction. Particularly suited to difficult matrix and problematic elemental analyses.
High-Sensitivity isotope analyses via solution or solid sample introduction. Currently measuring the following systems: Li, B, Cr, Fe, Sr, Nd, Pb, Hf, U, U-Pb, U-Th, and Pu.
Two instruments providing filament-sourced high precision isotope analyses capability. Currently measuring the following systems: B, Sr, Nd, Sm-Nd, Pb.
Solid micro-sampling capability. Can be coupled to any of our ICP-MS systems.
For preparing micro-sized samples for subsequent analysis.
Our suite of Class 1oo chemistry labs for sample preparation.
For separation of particulates into size fractions ranging from kD to sub micron. Coupled with UV-VIS photodiode array and fluorescence.