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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

UCAS visit days Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences

All applicants who are eligible for an offer of a place on the Ocean & Earth Science programmes are invited to attend a Visit Day.

As the information in your application form indicates you are a candidate in whom we would be interested, we would like to invite you to one of our UCAS Visit Days. The Visit Day will provide you with an opportunity to talk with academics about your course, speak with students studying Earth science programmes and visit the National Oceanography Centre. There will also be a chance to tour the main Highfield campus as well as Halls of Residence with student guides.

UCAS visit days - Geology and Geophysics Programmes

NB We will always try to allocate your first choice date where available.  Confirmation of your allocated date will be made via email.

Applicants may only bring one guest.  Regretfully, additional guests cannot be accommodated.

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