Fourth year marine biology students have recently returned from a two week fieldtrip to the Bermuda Institute for Ocean Science, to gain hands on experience of tropical marine ecosystems.
The fieldtrip enabled students to understand essential elements of tropical marine biology and the ecological systems of coral, seagrass and mangroves. They had the chance to identify a variety of tropical marine plants and animals, and undertake daily field and laboratory work which culminated in a conference-style presentation of their findings - excellent practice for becoming competitive in the jobs market once graduating.
Fourth year marine biology student Frances James says: “Bermuda provides a chance to actually see the things we learn about back in Southampton, especially coral reefs and mangroves – it’s not every day you get to see an upside down jellyfish in a saltwater pond!”
Dr Antony Jensen, Marine Biology Programme Leader, comments: "This trip provides a unique opportunity for students to see a range of plants and animals in their native environment, learn new fieldwork survey techniques and really helps to solidify the theory learnt in lectures and seminars."
Student Stephen Lawler adds: “The snorkelling has been great, there’s so much to see. It’s also been really fun to organise our own lab experiments and conduct our own independent research.”
Regardless of the course you pursue, you will have excellent opportunities for fieldwork, helping you to develop your observational and technical skills, and ensuring you get the training needed to become the sort marine or Earth Scientist that is highly sought after by employers.
Alice Christianson, a third year Geology with Marine Biology student, comments: "I've been offered a lot of field work experience - it's much better than just being restricted to lectures!"
MSci Geology student Alex Coleman adds: "Although trips train us to be great scientists, they are also great fun, and give us a chance to get to know the other students and lecturers really well."
Jo Kerr who graduated from the MSci Oceanography degree programme last year reflects: "One of the highlights of my four years at Southampton was the Falmouth field course. It provided an insight into working as part of a research team, allowing us to take samples from on-board the University's research vessel and analyse them in the laboratory."
Bermuda provides a chance to actually see the things we learn about back in Southampton, especially coral reefs and mangroves – it’s not every day you get to see an upside down jellyfish in a saltwater pond!