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The University of Southampton
OLIGOMED - Oligonucleotides for medical applications

Scientific Advisory Board

Our Scientific Advisory Board includes world-leading experts in oligonucleotide chemistry. The SAB is supporting our research and training, and keeps an overview of our achievements, milestones and deliverables. The SAB will also ensure the quality standards of the individual personal development plans at the start of the ETN and check their implementation by yearly revision and approval.

Prof. Tom Brown

Prof. Tom Brown

University of Oxford, UK. Expertise: Nucleic acid development and ON design for diagnostics and therapeutics; industrial experience through several spin-off SMEs.

Prof. Mitsuhiko Shionoya

Prof. Mitsuhiko Shionoya

University of Tokyo, JP. Expertise: DNA/RNA nucleobase recognition, inhibition of gene expression, anti-HIV agents, DNA wires, DNA bio-nanotechnology

Dr. Rohanah Hussain

Dr. Rohanah Hussain

Diamond Light Source Ltd, Didcot, UK (B23). Expertise: Structural characterization of biotherapeutics with CD spectroscopy of proteins and DNA, drug delivery of lipo-therapeutics and drug formulation.

Prof. Janez Plavec

Prof. Janez Plavec

University of Ljubljana, SI. Expertise: structural analysis of biomolecules with NMR, in particular DNA having different canonical structures including G-quadruplexes.

Prof. Hanna Radecka

Prof. emeritus Hanna Radecka

Polish Academy of Sciences Olsztyn, PL. Expertise: design and implementation of ultra-sensitive DNA sensors using micro-electrochemistry.

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