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The University of Southampton
OLIGOMED - Oligonucleotides for medical applications

Prof. Annemieke Madder

Annemieke Madder

Annemieke Madder is Professor in Organic Chemistry at Ghent University, Gent, Belgium.


Prof. Dr. Annemieke Madder obtained her Ph.D in organic chemistry from Ghent University in 1997, under the direction of Prof. Dr. P. De Clercq working on the stepwise development of non-enzymatic hydrolases.

As a national science foundation (FWO) fellow, she went for postdoctoral stays with Prof. Dr. C. Gennari at the University of Milan and with Prof. Dr. R. Strömberg at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden to become acquainted with peptide and oligonucleotide chemistry respectively.

She returned to Ghent to take up tenure as assistant professor in 2002 and start her independent career. After climbing the ranks, she was promoted Full Professor at the Department of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry in 2014. Currently she is heading the Organic and Biomimetic Chemistry Research Group specialized in the design and synthesis of modified peptides and nucleic acids and methods for their conjugation and labeling.

From 2010 till 2015 she was member of the ERC starting grant panel which she was invited to chair in 2013 and 2015. She is currently member of the IOF (Industrial Research Fund) council and serves as substitute member in the Special Research Fund (BOF) council at UGent. She will be member of the FWO-Expertpanel W&T4 from 2020 onwards.

She has published >100 papers in high IF international journals (including Angewandte Chemie , Journal of the American Chemical Society , Nucleic Acids Research , Nature Chemical Biology ) and has supervised 21 defended PhDs, >60 Masters and 10 Post-docs. She is inventor on 6 patents. She is currently supervising 12 running PhDs, 4 postdocs, 1 technician and 3 master students.

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