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The University of Southampton
OLIGOMED - Oligonucleotides for medical applications

ESR Project. 1, AstraZeneca (SE)

Enhancing ASO action and mRNA regulation in cardiometabolic disease

ESR1 Quentin Vicentini
Quentin Vicentini


Pharmacy Degree
Lille University, France 2013-2019

Master's Degree
Medicinal Chemistry, Lille University France 2016 & 2019

Host institution AstraZeneca AB, Discovery Sciences, Gothenburg, Sweden
Supervisor Dr. Shalini Andersson
Co-Supervisors Prof. Roger Strömberg, Karolinska Institutet (Academic)
Dr. Anders Dahlèn, AstraZeneca (Industrial)
Prof. Edvard Smith, SLL (Clinician)

Project description

The aim of this ESR PhD project is the evaluation of different alternatives for enhancement of mRNA transcription:

During secondments in partner organizations the students will extend his/her knowledge on the effect of ONs derivatization and modification on RNA transcription or translation.


This project is carried out in strong collaboration with the following groups:

Host laboratory

We have state-of-the-art purpose-built laboratories with facilities to develop small molecules and nucleotide therapeutics by means of molecular and chemical biology approaches. This includes a wide range of facilities from target identification, compound design and selection; compound synthesis, purification and analysis; compound library generation; high-throughput assays for identifying active compounds; cell and animal model-based preclinical studies; bioinformatics and biomarker discovery; drug delivery as well as clinical trials of drug compounds ( small molecules and oligonucleotides). Expertise in commercialisation (invention-to-market process) and IP protection.

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