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The University of Southampton
OLIGOMED - Oligonucleotides for medical applications

OLIGOMED Public Milestones and Deliverables

The OLIGOMED project has a well-defined set of Deliverables and Milestones. We will update our achievements below as we go along with the project (month 1 is January 2021).

Documents related to public achievements can be downloaded further below.

Scientific Deliverables




Our next scientific deliverable will be in month 18.

Management, Training, Recruitment and Dissemination Deliverables




Our next target deliverable will be in month 10.

June 2021

OLIGOMED website established

The OLIGOMED website has been up and running since early on in the project and has also been used for recruitment of the ESRs. The website will henceforth constantly be updated, as and when appropriate.

March 2021

Project Handbook including Code of Conduct

We have established a Project Handbook, which includes a clear Code of Conduct, This describes how we will be running OLIGOMED. The confidential document covers the following items:

1. Implementation of project and training
2. Supervision
3. Recruitment
4. Gender and Ethics Issues
5. ESR Code of conduct
6. Supplementary Information

Feb 2021

Supervisory and Scientific Advisory Board established

Both SB and SAB are established.

The SB represents the strategic decision-making body (Chair: SOTON; Members: 1 representative of each beneficiary, 2 ESR representatives with annually rotating positions; partner organisations are invited to participate).

The SAB advises on scientific and training related matters and its members are involved in the ESR Boards (Chair: SOTON; Members: see list on the SAB tab) .

Jan 2021

Kick-off meeting

Several on-line meetings were held to initiate the project. A further detailed on-line kick-off meeting will be held in April 2021.





Our next milestone will be in month 7.

Public documents for our deliverables are available here.

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