OStEO is a study investigating bone fracture and osteoporosis. We are inviting patients who have had a hip fracture and a hip replacement ad University Hospital Southampton to be involved in our study.
For more information on what is involved the patient information sheet (given at the hospital and available in the right hand banner). Additionally, the Frequently Asked Questions, FAQ section of this website aims to help answer your queries. If your question still can't be answered, please contact our researchers.
The bone tissue that is removed as part of the hip replacement operation is to be tested at the University of Southampton. Testing will involve mechanical testing and imaging of the bone with the aim to discover more about the changes with osteoporosis and how they lead to bone fracture. Specifically a novel 'Reference Point Indentation' device will investigate new techniques for diagnosing osteoporosis.
For more information about the testing methods, please look at our 'What is Involved for the Bone Sample' page or view our results so far .
Complete questionaires
Give a blood sample
Assessment session (scans)
Permission to:
Test bone from hip surgery
Access medical records
Contact GP
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