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The University of Southampton
The Parkes Institute

Suitcase: Kindertransport 75th Anniversary Event

27 November 2013
See Suitcase website for venue information

For more information regarding this event, please email .

Event details

Seventy-five years on from the first arrival of the Kindertransport in Britain, the concourses and platforms of stations across the country will burst into life with Suitcase, an original mix of site-specific promenade theatre and music which marks those arrivals. Suitcase reflects the stories of those who were there.

Join us as we take you on a journey through one of ten stations across Britain where you will stumble across scenes played out by bewildered refugee children, the waiting foster parents, Kindertransport organisers and bemused bystanders - as commuters hurrying to catch their trains are hijacked by history. A unique synthesis of memory and history, performance and place, Suitcase is the place where the past and present collide.

For further information about this event please visit the Suitcase website.

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