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The University of Southampton
The Parkes Institute

F.T. Prince poetry workshop Event

F T Prince portrait
14:00 - 17:00
30 April 2014
Special Collections Hartley Library Highfield Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BF

For more information regarding this event, please email Will May at .

Event details

Come and explore unpublished letters by E.M. Forster and T.S. Eliot, and discover the richness of F.T. Prince's poetry.

F.T. Prince (1912-2003) is known to many of our alumni as a Milton scholar and a founder of the Southampton's English department, where he taught until his retirement in the 1970s.  He is increasingly being recognised as one of the most distinctive poetic voices of the twentieth century. Poets from Geoffrey Hill to Susan Howe have praised his work, and his Collected Poems was chosen as a 2012  Book of the Year in The Guardian .  Last year his archive at Hartley Library was unembargoed, making available letters by T.S. Eliot, E.M. Forster, and C.S. Lewis, as well as unpublished poems, drafts, and correspondence by Prince himself. Centennial celebrations included a one-day symposium on his work hosted by the Centre for Modern and Contemporary Writing, and the inaugural F.T. Prince Memorial Lecture , given by Sir Christopher Ricks.

In this afternoon workshop, Will May will be introducing you to the wonder and richness of F.T. Prince's poetry. You will have the chance to explore early drafts of Prince's work, see letters by some of his most important correspondents, and explore the various literary and intellectual contexts for his work, which include Hasidism, African kingship, and the Chinese T'ang Dynasty.

This event is free but space is limited so please ensure you book asap for a place.  To book please email Will May on

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