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The University of Southampton
The Parkes Institute

Parkes Lecture 2019 Event

Professor Geoffrey Khan
30 April 2019
Avenue Campus, University of Southampton Southampton SO17 1BF

For more information regarding this event, please email Tracy Storey at .

Event details

Part of an annual series of lectures organise by the Parkes Institute.

Professor Geoffrey Khan
Professor Geoffrey Khan

The Aramaic-speaking communities of Christian and Jews in the Middle East.

The lecture will present a survey of the communities of Christians and Jews who still speak Aramaic in the Middle East. These communities have undergone radical upheavals over the last hundred years, which has resulted in the fact that many of their spoken Aramaic dialects are now severely endangered. The surviving communities of Christians can be found in Syria, south-eastern Turkey, northern Iraq, northwestern Iran and the Caucasus. The surviving Aramaic-speaking Jews originated in northern Iraq and western Iran, but are now almost all living in Israel. The cultural and social relationships between the Christians and Jews are reflected by similarities and differences between their dialects.


Please note this is a free event however we request you book a place to avoid disappointment. Bookings will close at 13:00 on Friday 26 April 2019.

Christian Aramaic-speakers from Southern Turkey
Christian Aramaic-speakers from Southern Turkey

Speaker information

Professor Geoffrey Khan ,University of Cambridge,Regius Professor of Hebrew

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