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The University of Southampton
The Parkes Institute

Beyond God: Nazi Germany in 1945 Seminar

Dr Reverend James Parkes
3 October 2017
Lecture Theatre C, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton SO17 1BF

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Event details

Part of The Parkes Institute's Research Seminar Series for 2016/2017

Beyond God: Nazi Germany in 1945

On February 3, 1945, the Americans carried out the largest daylight bombing raid on Berlin during WWII. Only 10 days later on February 13, the Royal Air Force and United States Army Air Forces bombed Dresden. During the same 10 days, German frontlines in the West and East increasingly collapsed. Despite full awareness of Allied forces closing in, Germans ramped up efforts to deport Jews with an increased intensity from various German cities to Theresianstadt. My talk aims to view the ongoing fury of violence as part of radicalization of an apocalyptic worldview in which the changing fortunes of the war intensified the efforts to destroy European Jewry. The last few months of the war and the Holocaust highlight the existence of fateful morality and commitment to redemptive violence that brings into clearly focus not only what the Nazis did, but moreover, what they intended to do.

Portrait photo of Dr Nils Roemer
Dr Nils Roemer

Speaker information

Dr Nils Roemer , is the Stan and Barbara Rabin Professor at University of Texas at Dallas. and director of the Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies. He published 'Jewish Scholarship and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Germany: Between History and Faith' (2005), 'German City – Jewish Memory: The Story of Worms: German' (2010), numerous articles and several co-edited volumes.

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