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The University of Southampton
Parents and Carers Network News

Parents & Carers discover a good investment

Published: 20 January 2015
Signing the document

Do you have the Power? Setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) could be one of the best long-term investments that you yourself, or one of your family, could make. Arguably as important as a Will, many of us have never given this a second thought.

An LPA is a legally-binding method of stating who can take decisions on your behalf, and in what circumstances. Loss of 'mental capacity' through dementia is the most common trigger, though you could also use an LPA to authorise someone else to look after your finances or property when you are out of the country.

a talk by Deborah Clarke, CEO, Allied Services Trust
LPAs explained

On 14 January , Parents and Carers Network welcomed Deborah Clarke, CEO of Allied Services Trust, a not-for-profit organisation specialising in education and advocacy in this field.  Deborah explained the nuts-and-bolts of the legislation and how it can work in practice. Well-informed planning and the relatively modest registration fee could potentially save many thousands of pounds in future, year-on-year.

You could find out more from the GOV.UK website, from the AST leaflets, and through many charities and personal finance websites.

To register interest in a possible follow-up clinic, please contact Linnet Evans in the Diversity team.

Parents and Carers Network

The Parents and Carers Network (P&CN) aims to support the working lives of colleagues who also have these off-campus responsibilities. Carers include those looking after someone who is unable to care for themselves due to old age or a disability.

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