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The University of Southampton
Philosophy Part of Humanities

Kelsey Miller MA Philosophy

Kelsey Miller's Photo

Hi, I'm Kelsey Miller and I studied MA Philosophy within Humanities at the University of Southampton.

I love that I have the opportunity to debate philosophical issues with people who share my belief in their importance to the world.

Kelsey came from the USA to study for an MA in Philosophy at Southampton.

My undergraduate study was based on the idea that philosophy permeates through all studies and in all areas. That passionate involvement with philosophy will stay with me forever.

Philosophy at Southampton brings together some of the best minds in aesthetic philosophy in the world right now - the professors are actively engaged in key debates, they have excellent reputations in the field of philosophy, and are excited about the future.

Studying connections

I’m part of the MA Philosophy course with an emphasis on aesthetics and philosophy of art. I became very interested in the connection between philosophy, art, beauty, and human nature through my undergraduate dissertation and chose my course so that I could study those relationships more thoroughly.

I love that I have the opportunity to debate philosophical issues with people who share my belief in their importance to the world. It doesn’t hurt that they’re well-renowned, published philosophers with incredible expertise in their field, though!

Planning your time

As a postgraduate your independent study time increases exponentially, but it’s not difficult if you’re intelligent about time-management and keep an eye on your deadlines. Self-motivation and self-imposed structure are vital to success at a postgraduate level; I expected to use those skills, but I have been surprised by just how much I need them on a day-to-day basis.

I began my MA in the September after I completed my undergraduate studies. As an international student, this meant that I had to begin planning and applying while still juggling everything involved in senior year. If I would’ve understood how much work was involved, I may have decided to take a year off before postgraduate study, but I was up to the challenge and am happy with my choice.

Looking ahead

I stay updated about careers events and have ventured to the careers office quite a few times for information about CVs and the daunting 'job search'. Since my focus is on course work and my dissertation during term-time, I use a bit of each holiday to do intensive career research, so it never gets forgotten.

I’m working toward launching my career after completing my masters programme, but further education is certainly a possibility for the future. Philosophy changes the world, and I’m excited to apply what I’ve learned through my education and be a part of that amazing change.

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