Learn about dementia, Einstein and pregnancy at free public event

The next University of Southampton Researchers’ Café will take place on Friday 6 March from 6 to 7.30pm in Mettricks Cafe, 117 High Street, Southampton.
The Researchers’ Café is a great way to hear about burning research issues and discuss them in an informal space. Come along for a fun evening, learn and stretch your grey matter. Live music will follow at 8pm.
This free event will feature three topics:
‘Pregnancy, Identity and Philosophy’ with Dr Elselijn Kingma; ‘Unravelling gravity 100 years after Einstein’ with Dr Marco Caldarelli; and ‘What is Dementia?’ with Dr Ruth Bartlett.
For further information visit www.soton.ac.uk/researcherscafe, join the Facebook group “Researchers’ Café” and follow @ResearchersCafe on twitter.
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For more information:
Glenn Harris, Media Relations, University of Southampton, Tel 023 8059 3212, email G.Harris@soton.ac.uk, Twitter: @glennh75
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