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The University of Southampton
Philosophy Part of Humanities

Talks by philosophy faculty in September

Published: 30 September 2015

Several of our faculty gave talks at important venues this month both here in the UK and in other countries, including Belgium and Germany.

September kicked off with the final conference of the Normativity: Epistemic and Practical project, at which Conor McHugh and Jonathan Way gave their paper "Objectivism and Perspectivism about the Epistemic Ought".

Later in the month, Kurt Sylvan gave two talks at a conference on Virtue Epistemology in Leuven, Belgium.  The first talk, entitled "Against Full Aptness", was part of a symposium on Ernest Sosa's new book Judgment and Agency .  The paper corresponding to the talk is provisionally forthcoming in a special issue of the journal Synthese .  The second talk, entitled "The Achievements of Reason: Toward a Rationalist Virtue Epistemology", was one of the keynotes.  The paper corresponding to this talk is provisionally forthcoming in a collection of papers on virtue epistemology to be published by Cambridge University Press.

Around the same time, Genia Schönbaumsfeld gave two talks in Frankfurt and Belgium.  Her talk in Frankfurt was part of a conference on the Problem of Evil, and in Leuven, Belgium she spoke at a conference on Wittgenstein and Moral Philosophy that took place simultaneously with the Virtue Epistemology conference at which Kurt spoke.

And Sasha Mudd just got back from giving a talk at the 12th International Kant Congress in Vienna entitled "The Good Will and the Priority of the Law in Groundwork I."

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