Philosophy Café Event

- Time:
- 13:00 - 14:00
- Date:
- 6 December 2012
- Venue:
- John Hansard Gallery Highfield Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BJ
For more information regarding this event, please telephone Lifelong Learning Team on 023 8059 7261 or email .
Event details
Is it rational to be moral?
We ordinarily assume that it's rational to be moral - that we are not foolish for doing what's right. But on reflection it can be hard to see why this is so. After all, it certainly seems as if there can be occasions on which immorality pays. Nor is it obvious that immorality must involve any kind of inconsistency or confusion. This talk will explore these challenges and consider how some philosophers have tried to vindicate the rationality of morality.
This is part of a series of events organised by Lifelong Learning .
Speaker information
Dr Jonathan Way,Lecturer in Philosophy