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The University of Southampton
Philosophy Part of Humanities

City Art Gallery lectures 'Philosophy and the Good Life' Event

1 February 2014 - 1 March 2014
Southampton City Art Gallery Civic Centre Road Southampton SO14 7LP

Event details

The Philosophy department are delighted to announce a series of short, accessible talks for the general public in early 2014, exploring the fundamental questions of moral philosophy. Saturdays from 2pm.

Moral Philosophy asks fundamental questions about how we should live and why. What makes some acts wrong and others right? Is it always right to do what will make people's lives happier, or are there some things it is wrong to do no matter what? What is it to live a good life? How might moral philosophy help us think about particular moral issues such as abortion? And why should we care about morality, anyway?

This series of talks, given by members of the University of Southampton Philosophy Department, will present some of these fundamental questions and some of the attempts that philosophers have made to answer them.

The talks will be held on Saturdays at 2pm at the City Art Gallery in Southampton, will last approximately 30 minutes and be followed by 30 minutes of discussion with the audience. Please note the City Art Gallery Lectures are free of charge and there is no need to book, just turn up.

1. The Right Thing To Do
Saturday 1 February

2. Health and the Good Life
Saturday 8 February

3. The Moral Role of Intentions
Saturday 15 February

4. Moral Responsibility
Saturday 22 February

5. Morality and Rationality
Saturday 1 March

Moral philosophy
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