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The University of Southampton
Philosophy Part of Humanities

Thinking Well, Living Well Study Day Event

Lifelong Learning
Ganditor Hamangia
10:00 - 16:00
12 December 2015
Avenue Campus Highfield Road Southampton SO17 1BF

For more information regarding this event, please email Lifelong Learning at .

Event details

We will be holding a one-day cultural event on Saturday 12 December 2015 consisting of a series of short talks led by experts from within Philosophy at Southampton.

How should I live? What should I do? Such questions are inescapable and of fundamental importance. For as long as there has been philosophy, there has been ethics, which seeks to understand and answer such questions. In addition, we might also ask: How should I conduct my intellectual life? What should I think? Such questions seem no less urgent or important. Indeed, they seem bound up with those with which we began. To use a humdrum example, whether Smith should believe that Jones is diabetic looks relevant to whether Smith should give Jones sweets. To use a more high flown example, we seem to prize virtues such as integrity or bravery, and to condemn vices such a dishonesty and spinelessness, in intellectual pursuits just as we do in practical pursuits.

The focus of this study day is how thinking well relates to living well. It will explore some of the issues concerning how the standards we try to follow in inquiry relate to the those we try to follow in acting.


Dr Daniel Whiting : 'Is it Good to Believe the Truth?'
The truth can set us free but the truth also hurts. This talk will explore the value, or otherwise, of believing the truth.

Dr Conor McHugh : 'Responsibility in Action and Thought'
We are typically responsible for our actions – for what we do. Are we also responsible for our beliefs – for what we think? This talk will examine the idea of responsibility for belief and its consequences for responsibility in general.

Dr Jonathan Way : 'Does Virtue Require Thinking Well?'
It's often said that people should follow their consciences. But many of history's worst deeds have been committed by people following their conscience. This talk will consider what truth there is in the thought that conscience should be our guide, and whether virtue might sometimes require ignoring one's conscience.

Sophie Keeling: 'Thinking Well and Knowing What One Thinks'
This talk will be concerned with the question of whether the rationality of our beliefs affects how we can come to know them.


£40 full rate (£30 Loyalty Scheme price*)

£25 loyalty rate (Harbour Lights Members, Friends of Parkes, English Teachers Network, U3A members, university staff and alumni)

£12.50 discount rate (students/sixth form & college students and those in receipt of income-based Job Seeker's Allowance, Income Support, Working Tax Credit, Council Tax or Housing Benefit)

All prices include lunch and refreshments

*The Loyalty Scheme price is available for those paying the full rate, once you have purchased one study day at full price (£40) you are then entitled to pay £30 for other study days during the academic year. Please select this option in the Online Store but please note you can not use the Loyalty Scheme to pay for other guests.


PLEASE NOTE THAT BOOKING HAS NOW CLOSED. Prior booking is required to attend this event.

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