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The University of Southampton
Philosophy Part of Humanities

'Constitutivism: Contemporary and Historical Approaches' Workshop Event

British Academy
10:00 - 18:00
3 April 2017
Avenue Campus, Room 1097, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please email Tracy Storey at .

Event details

A one-day international workshop held in association with the British Academy and the Southampton Ethics Centre.

The workshop will bring together scholars from the US, UK, and Turkey to explore constitutivism, its historical roots, and contemporary prospects. ‘Constitutivism’ holds that we can justify fundamental normative claims by showing that agents implicitly commit themselves to these claims merely in virtue of acting and/or exercising their practical reason. How, if at all, can normativity be grounded in the structural features of agency? What must agency be like if it is to support normative grounding? The workshop seeks to explore contemporary approaches to this topic, as well as its historical roots in the work of Kant and others.

Speakers include: Paul Katsafanas (Boston University), Jack Woods (University of Leeds), Lucas Thorpe (University of Bogazici), Daniel Elstein (University of Leeds) and Sasha Mudd (University of Southampton).

This conference is generously supported by the British Academy and the Southampton Ethics Centre .

Further details will be circulated in due course.

For more information regarding this event, please contact the organiser Sasha Mudd .


The event will be free and open to all. Please email Tracy Storey to register.

The room and dinner venues will be fully accessible. If you would like further information about childcare options or about accessibility, please contact Tracy Storey .

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