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The University of Southampton
Philosophy Part of Humanities

Loving, wondering and knowing Event

British Academy
28 - 29 June 2017
Building 32, Room 3077, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please email Giulia Felappi at .

Event details

The workshop is part of a British Academy/Leverhulme small research project called 'Loving, wondering and knowing: our mental life and all its aspects' and the plan is to gather some friends and foes of propositionalism to debate, confront and scrutinize their arguments to different conclusions, with the aim of reaching some general claims on the mental. Research themes: Epistemology; Logic, language and Metaphysics.


This conference is organised in accordance with the BPA/SWIP good practice scheme and is generously supported by the British Academy and the Leverhulme Trust.

Speakers include:

David Braun (Buffalo)

Dorothea Debus (York)

Paul Egré (Institut Jean-Nicod, Paris)

Alex Grzankowski (Birkbeck)

Keith Hossack (Birkbeck)

Jeff King (Rutgers)

Sven Rosenkranz (Logos, Barcelona)

Neil Sinhababu (National University of Singapore)

Kurt Sylvan (Southampton)

Lee Walters (Southampton)

The final programme will be circulated in due course.


The event will be free and open to all.

Details of how to register will be circulated in due course.

The room and dinner venues will be accessible. If you would like further information about childcare options or about accessibility, please contact Tracy Storey .


Giulia Felappi

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