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The University of Southampton
Philosophy Part of Humanities

Southampton-Humboldt Normativity Conference 2021 Event

Normativity Conference 2021
17 - 18 December 2021

For more information regarding this event, please email Tracy Storey at .

Event details

This conference is the sixth in an annual series alternating between the University of Southampton and Humboldt University, Berlin. It aims to bring together philosophers working on normativity, including foundational problems of moral philosophy and practical normativity more generally, questions about reasons, rationality, and value, and issues about epistemic and other forms of normativity. Our primary aim is to provide a forum for lively and constructive exchange amongst philosophers currently working in the field.

Keynote speakers

Professor Ruth Chang (Oxford)

Dr Christoph Kelp (Glasgow)


The conference will include a number of sessions for submitted papers. Selection will be based on double-blind review of long abstracts (max. 1000 words). If you would like to apply, please submit your abstract, anonymised, to Tracy Storey ( ), using the subject line 'Normativity conference abstract'. The deadline is 16 September 2021. Abstracts should be suitable for a 30-40 minute presentation.


The event will be free and open to all. Details of how to register will be circulated in due course.

This conference is organised in accordance with the BPA/SWIP good practice scheme.


Conor McHugh and Kurt Sylvan (University of Southampton)

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