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The University of Southampton
Philosophy Part of Humanities

Schools & Colleges Liaison

Students and staff from Philosophy are regularly involved with schools in the local area and across the UK in a range of in-person and online activities and events. We have also launched a series of videos specifically designed to help students taking A Level Philosophy and the philosophy and ethics components of A Level Religious Studies.

Simone Weil
Simone Weil

Our regular activities include:

Sixth Form Conferences

We hold Sixth Form Philosophy Conferences several times a year. These are typically free to attend and include lectures on a variety of accessible philosophical topics delivered in an engaging way by our academic staff, with plenty of time for discussion and debate.

You will find information about upcoming conferences on our Events page .

School visits

Lecturers in Philosophy at Southampton are able to visit schools and colleges (remotely or, when circumstances allow, in person) to give talks on their research, on topics related to the Philosophy and Religious Studies A-level curricula, or on studying the subject at university.

The Southampton 'Philosophy for Schools' Video Collection

This growing collection of short videos is designed to help students taking A Level Philosophy and the philosophy and ethics components of A Level Religious Studies. Each video is presented by a lecturer from the Philosophy Department at the University of Southampton, and accompanied by study questions to help students work their way through the key ideas discussed. The Collection includes sections on Epistemology, Moral Philosophy, and the Metaphysics of Mind and of God, as well new sections devoted to 'Philosophy for Scientists'—looking at philosophical issues to which science students in particular might be drawn—and 'Global Philosophy'—looking at issues that reach beyond the familiar boundaries of the Western philosophical tradition.

Further information

If you would like to get involved in our outreach activities for schools and colleges or to join our outreach mailing list, please contact us .

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