Politics and International Relations Research highlights
We're delighted to present a round up of the achievements and endeavours of the department.
A quarterly round up of the achievements and endeavours of the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Southampton
Joining the department of Politics and International Relations, working on the TrustGov project are:
- Viktor Valgardsson (re)joins as Impact and Communications Fellow to the TrustGov project, with an interest in trends in political trust and satisfaction with democracy. Viktor completed his PhD with us previously and returns after a stint as a teaching fellow at Durham.
- Lawrence McKay and Hannah Willis join us as research fellows and will lead parts of the project relating to the geography of trust and gender and trust, as well as leading on wider policy engagement activities. Lawrence joins us from Manchester and Hannah from Exeter.
- David Owen’s new book was released in February 2020 - What do we owe to refugees? Polity Feb 2020.
Articles and book chapters
- Armstrong, C. “Ocean Justice: SDG 14 and Beyond ,” Journal of Global Ethics (2020), online early: Paper available here
- Armstrong, C. “Dealing with Dictators ,” Journal of Political Philosophy 28.3 (2020): 307-331: Paper available here
- Boswell, John, Denham, John, Furlong, James, Killick, Anna, Ndugga, Patricia, Rek, Beata, Ryan, Matthew and Shipp, Jesse, (2020) Place-based politics and nested deprivation in the UK: beyond Cities-Towns, ‘Two Englands’, and the ‘Left behind’ . Representation, 1-22. (doi:10.1080/00344893.2020.1751258).
- Dean, R., Boswell, J., & Smith, G. (2020). Designing democratic innovations as deliberative systems: The ambitious case of NHS citizen . Political Studies. Paper available here
- Corbett, J., Veenendaal, W., and Connell, J. (2020) “The Core Executive and Small States: Is Coordination the Primary Challenge ?” Public Administration. Ahead-of-Print DOI: Paper available here
- Corbett, J., Rewut, M., Xu, Y., and Weller, P. (2020) “Climate Governance, Policy Entrepreneurs and Small States: Explaining Policy Change at the International Maritime Organisation ”. Environmental Politics. Ahead-of-print DOI: Paper available here
- Corbett, J. (2020) “Territory, Islandness and the Secessionist Imaginary: why do very small communities favour autonomy over integration ?” Nations and Nationalism. Ahead-of-print DOI: Paper available here
- Spark, C. and Corbett, J. (2020) “Fiame Naomi Mata’afa: Samoa’s first female Deputy Prime Minister ” Journal of Pacific History Ahead-of-print DOI: Paper available here
- Corbett, J. and Connell, J. (2020) “The Pacific ” In Baldacchino, G., and Wivel, A., eds. The Research Handbook on the Politics of Small States. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Paper available here
- Daniel Devine, Jen Gaskell, Will Jennings, and Gerry Stoker. (2020). ‘Trust and the coronavirus pandemic: What are the consequences of and for trust? An early review of the literature.’ Political Studies Review. Paper available here
- Gaskell, J., Stoker, G., Jennings, W., & Devine, D. (2020). COVID-19 and the blunders of our governments: long-run system failings aggravated by political choices. The Political Quarterly Paper available here
- Havercroft, J. “Rethinking Sovereignty in an Era of Resurgent Nationalism and Populism ”, Political Theory 48 (3), 378-389: Paper available here
- Havercroft, J. “Decolonizing global constitutionalism ”, with Jacob Eisler, Jo Shaw, Antje Wiener, and Val Napoleon, Global Constitutionalism 9 (1), 1- 6. Paper available here
- Havercroft, J. “Flipping the academic conference, or how we wrote a peer-reviewed journal article in a day ”, with Ilan Z Baron, Isaac Kamola, Jonneke Koomen, and Alex Prichard. Paper available here
- Robert Ford and Will Jennings. (2020). ‘The Changing Cleavage Politics of Western Europe .’ Annual Review of Political Science 23 Paper available here
- Will Jennings, Michael Lewis-Beck and Christopher Wlezien. (2020). ‘Election Forecasting: Too Far Out ?’ International Journal of Forecasting. Paper available here
- Kenny J (2020), ‘The Role of Political Attention in Moderating the Association between Political Identities and Anthropogenic Climate Change Belief in Britain ’, Political Studies, Paper available here
- Kenny, J. (2020), ‘Are Environment Versus Economy Trade-Off Questions More About Environmental or Economic Attitudes ?’, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Paper available here
- Owen, D. ‘Freedom, Equality and Struggles of Recognition: Tully, Ranciere and the Agonistic Re-Orientation ’ in K. Lepold et al. (eds.) Ambivalences of Recognition Columbia University Press 2020 pp.250-272
- Owen, D. ‘Power, justification and vindication ’ in R. Forst (ed.) Toleration, power and the right to justification, MUP 2020 Paper available here
- Clayton Chin, David Owen, Paul Patton, Lasse Tommasen, Book Roundtable: Chin, C. 2018. The Practice of Political Theory: Rorty and Continental Thought . Theoria Paper available here
- Rhodes R. A. W. and Salomonsen H. H. (2020) ‘Duopoly, court politics and the Danish core executive ’. Public Administration 2020; e12685. Paper available here
- Rhodes, RAW., and Corbett, J. (2020) “Ethnographic Approaches ” In Rudy B. Andeweg, R.B., Elgie, R., Helms, L., Kaarbo, J., and Müller-Rommel, F., eds. The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Paper available here
- Riggirozzi, P. ‘Social Policy, Inequalities and the Battle of Rights in Latin America ’, Development and Change, 2020. Ahead-of-print DOI: Paper available here
- Riggirozzi, Pia; Grugel, Jean and Cintra Natalia (2020) "Protecting Migrants or Reversing Migration? COVID-19 and the risks of a protracted crisis in Latin America.", Lancet Migration, June 6th. Available at Paper available here
- Smith, J. (2020) ‘Where are the Women? Descriptive Representation and COVID-19 in UK Daily Press Briefings’ Politics & Gender, Paper available here
- Turnbull-Dugarte, S. “Why vote when you cannot choose? EU intervention and political participation in times of constraint ” European Union Politics 21(3): 406-428. Paper available here .
Turnbull-Dugarte, S. “The Baskerville's dog suddenly started barking: voting for VOX in the 2019 Spanish general elections ” Political Research Exchange, 2(1): 1-21. with José Rama & Andrés Santana. Paper available (open access) here
Viktor Orri Valgarðsson, Nick Clarke, Will Jennings, and Gerry Stoker. (2020). ‘The Good Politician and Political Trust: An Authenticity Gap in British Politics ?’ Political Studies. Paper available here
A number of PAIR staff had chapters in the recently published Handbook of Democratic Innovation and Governance
- Wood, M., Flinders, M., and Corbett., J. “Anti-politics and democratic innovation.”
- Ryan, M. “Comparative approaches to the study of democratic innovation.”
- Stoker, G. and Evans, M. “Does political trust matter?”
- Spada, P. “The impact of democratic innovations on citizens efficacy”
- Chris Armstrong is the winner of the York Political Theory Manuscript competition. A one-day workshop will be scheduled on his forthcoming book on ocean justice.
- Jonathan Havercroft is the winner of the 2020 British Academy Brian Barry Prize in Political Science for the essay “Why is there no just riot theory?”.
- Ana Margheritis received the 2020 SUSU ACADEMIC AWARDS for Best Academic Support – Highly Commended
- David Owen has been appointed as a permanent member of the Political Theory Editorial Board
- Pia Riggirozzi and Amos Channon were short-listed for the VC’s Impact Award for producing a manual on human rights to health regarding maternal and child health for use by community health agents. The manual supports community health workers everyday work with poor and vulnerable women raising awareness and providing information about their rights and methods for women to enable self-reliance and health seeking behaviour in Brazil.
- Jess Smith was awarded the PSA McDougall Trust Prize for ‘Best dissertation in elections, electoral systems and representation’ for her PhD thesis.
- Christian Enemark is one of 30 Co-Is on a £12 million UKRI grant for the interdisciplinary Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS) Hub: Hub to lead UK research on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (visit the website for more details ). The PI is Professor Sarvapali Ramchurn (Southampton, ECS), and the Hub is due to start operations in September.
- Jonathan Havercroft won the British Academy 2020 Mid-Career Fellowship on “Just and Unjust Riots: A Normative Analysis of Militant Protest”
- Will Jennings, Jen Gaskell, Gerry Stoker and Dan Devine won a UK in a Changing Europe award on Trust and Distrust in the Disunited Kingdom.
- Jess Smith was awarded an internal ESPS School Seed Funding for running a workshop (now delayed until post-COVID) on gender and UK elections. This builds on a successful special issue application ‘Gender and UK Elections since 2015’ for the Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (JEPOP). The workshop will bring together SI contributors and other academics in the field to map a new research agenda in gender and elections in the UK leading to longer-term research funding bids.
- Rod Rhodes won a grant from the ECPR to support NCRM workshop on Interpretive Political Analysis.
Workshops, invited talks and conference papers
Jack Corbett:
- Visited the Islands and Small States Institute at the University of Malta (pre-lockdown), where he gave a talk on “Labor Movements and Party System Development: Why does the Caribbean have stable two-party systems, but the Pacific does not?”
- Panel member (on Zoom) on “fieldwork under COVID constraints” for the Institute for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research at the University of Syracuse .
- Invited Zoom paper “The Gift, Hypocrisy and the Liberal Order: Why We Cannot Have An International Society Without Foreign Aid” at the University of Birmingham
John Denham spoke at the Labour and England, House of Commons, March 3rd, other speakers David Lammy MP, Justin Madders MP, Sam Tarry MP, Paula Surridge (Bristol Uni), Ros Wynne-Jones (Daily Mirror). Transcripts here
Christian Enemark gave a presentation, ‘Drone violence and the Just War tradition’, Church of the Immaculate Conception, Justice and Peace Group, Southampton (19 January 2020).
David Owen gave talks at:
- ‘Open Borders and COVID’ Free University Berlin June 2020 (zoom talk)
- ECPR General Conference. Panel on David Owen’s What do we owe to refugees? with Peter Niesen, Clara Sandelind, James Souter.
- Symposium on Cara Nine’s Overlapping Territory , University of Bristol – June 2020 (online). “Enough and as Good.”
- Political Philosophy Colloquium, Goethe University Frankfurt – January 2020. “Exploitation, Abuse and Floating Jurisdiction: Protecting Workers at Sea.”
Stuart Turnbull-Dugarte:
- Led Early Career Summer Workshop series for postdocs and advanced stage graduate students across Europe. visit the Programme for series
- Spoke at UKICE event ‘Four years since the referendum: the state of public opinion’ Live webinar
- Ran a series of monthly workshops on political trust as part of the ESRC TrustGov project.
Media, op-eds, reports
Jack Corbett wrote up a desk review of the States of Guernsey Governance Review Working Group protocol
John Denham
- Two blogs written for St George’s Day exploring the possible impact of Covid-19 on national identities in England
- Byline Times
- New Statesman
- Prospect
- A podcast recorded with the NoMansLand blog exploring English identity, progressive patriotism, and the left
- How Labour lost England . Analysis of polling suggesting that the 2019 Conservative victory rested entirely on their lead amongst voters who identified as ‘more English than British’
Christian Enemark:
- Interview for Morgenbladet (Norway) on COVID-19 outbreak (11 March 2020)
- Blog: ‘Policy Dilemmas in a War on Disease’, Australian Outlook (Australian Institute of International Affairs), 2 April 2020
Will Jennings:
- Trust, democracy and COVID-19: A British perspective – podcast interview
- Blog for Sky on COVID and the rally-round-the-flag
- Blog for CUP on trust and COVID
- Blog on focus group research on trust and COVID-19
- Blog for YouGov on trust in media and COVID-19
- Blog for YouGov on Hong Kong citizen rights
- Research by the Centre for Towns on the economic risks of COVID-19 covered widely in the media:
Will Jennings Policy reports:
- Mark Evans, Viktor Valgarðsson, Will Jennings, Gerry Stoker . (2020). Political trust and democracy in times of coronavirus: is Australia still the lucky country? Canberra: Museum of Australian Democracy.
- Mark Evans, Will Jennings, and Gerry Stoker . (2020). How Does Australia Compare: What Makes A Leading Democracy? Canberra: Museum of Australian Democracy
Findings from John Kenny’s Environmental Politics paper ‘ Economic conditions and support for the prioritisation of environmental protection during the Great Recession ’ [2020, Vol 29, no.6] featured in an opinion piece in Dutch Newspaper FD June 2020
Stuart Turnbull-Dugarte:
"Who are VOX and who are their voters?" LSE EUROPP (July 2020)
"¿Quién votó a Vox en las elecciones generales de 2019?" El Huffington Post (July 2020)
"Hombre cabreado, nacionalista y con dinero explota con el 'procés': una investigación académica radiografía a Vox" InfoLibre.es (June 2020)
Fieldwork and data collection
John Denham
- conducted, with YouGov, a survey of elite attitudes towards English and British national identities and views on English governance. Results forthcoming in due course
- Launched an online survey Public Attitudes Towards Covid-19 in England (ongoing)
Will Jennings
- Fielded surveys on trust and COVID-19 in the US, UK and Italy
- Ran online focus groups on trust, COVID-19 and Brexit in London, Bristol, Blackpool, Oldham and Bolton