Implementation of a Single Transferable Vote (STV) system for local elections in Wales
Dr. Devine, Dr. Turnbull-Dugarte, Dr. Larner and Prof. Jennings published a policy report exploring the introduction of a Single Transferable Vote (STV) system in future local elections in Wales as laid out in the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Bill 2021. The report was published the 3 of March the Welsh Government website .
The report focuses on six aspects of STV electoral systems in detail.
- Quota system
- Transfer system
- Counting method
- Ballot structure
- District magnitude
- Voter and stakeholder understanding
The Main findings are:
- The simulations found almost no substantive difference in electoral outcomes when either the Droop quota or the Hare quota is used.
- The research identified two transfer methods suitable for use in local elections using STV in Wales: the Weighted Inclusive Gregory Method and the Simple Gregory Method.
- There was consensus in both the existing literature and among interviewees that electronic counting was preferable to manual hand counting of ballots.
- The various options for the ordering of candidates on the ballot paper each have their own knock-on effects.
The consensus in both the literature and among interviewees was that providing five or more members per ward is preferable as it leads to more proportional electoral outcomes.