Research profile
My research interests are wide-ranging in the fields of public policy and political behaviour, including agenda-setting, public opinion, electoral behaviour, and policy disasters. As such I am interested in questions such as how issues get onto the policy agenda, how voters form their preferences over time (and how polls do or don’t line up with the eventual outcome as election day approaches), how voters judge the competence of parties, and why major projects and sports events go over budget so often. My work has been published in a wide range of journals, including the American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science, Public Opinion Quarterly, European Journal of Political Research, Comparative Political Studies, Political Science and Research Methods, and Governance. I was a member of the independent inquiry instigated by the British Polling Council and Market Research Society to investigate the performance of the pre-election polls at the 2015 general election.
Current projects
The Politics of Competence (with Jane Green)
The UK Policy Agendas Project (with Shaun Bevan)
The Rise of Anti-Politics in Britain (with Nick Clarke, Gerry Stoker and Jonathan Moss)
Comparative Analysis of Policy Blunders (with Martin Lodge and Matt Ryan)
A Comparative Study of News Influence on Party Support (with Gunnar Thesen, Christoffer Green-Pedersen, Peter Mortensen, Rens Vliegenthart and Stefaan Walgrave)
The Bifurcation of Politics (with Gerry Stoker)
Citizens’ Assemblies (with Matthew Flinders, Alan Renwick and Graham Smith).
PhD supervision interests
Agenda-setting, anti-politics, political participation, policy disasters and mega-projects, electoral behaviour, public opinion.