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The University of Southampton
Professional Development

Online Videos: Scott Bradbury resources

The University has licenced several management development learning resources from ScottBradbury in the areas of performance, feedback, coaching and implementing change.

To view all resources, go to (see below for how to access)


To access the resources, you need to register on their website by following the instructions below.

  1. Go to the ScottBradbury StreamLearning website:
  2. Click on the 'Click here to register' link
  3. Fill in the form and click the 'Create my account' button. Please note that this is not your Southampton username and password, although you will need to use your Southampton email address. You can use your username or full name for the email, but remember which you chose e.g. or
  4. They will send you an email containing a link which you must click to activate your account.
  5. You will then be able to log in to the website using your email name and the password you chose. Please note, when you change your University of Southampton password, your Scott Bradbury password (if the same) will NOT be updated.
  6. View video of how to get the best use of the resources here.
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