These resources will help you as you begin your mentoring activities:
Defines mentoring; different types of mentoring; benefits of mentoring; role of the mentor; role of the mentee; getting the most out of mentoring relationships; ethical guidelines and code of conduct including responsibility, confidentiality, boundary management, competence, contracting & dealing with self-distractions. Click here to view the Handbook online.
Mentoring may present you with a number of issues or dilemmas. Often, there are no easy or obvious solutions and there may be no clearcut sense of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. The aim of these simple guidelines is to highlight a set of behaviours which might impact upon the mentoring relationship or, indeed, using a coaching-style conversation in other situations. A more comprehensive Code of Ethics (pdf, opens in new window) is available from the European Mentoring & Coaching Council.
Can be used to structure mentoring conversations. It is particularly useful when new to mentoring as it provides a framework within which to hold mentoring conversations.
The 5C Model of mentoring also called the Classic Mentoring Model can also be used to structure mentoring conversations. Mentors may use the model to help mentees to explore a topic.
Introduces the concept of developing a THINKING ENVIRONMENT – there are Ten Components which are the ten behaviours, which when put in place, help ignite the best thinking in people whether in pairs or in a group situation: Attention; Equality; Ease; Appreciation; Encouragement; Feelings; Information; Diversity; Incisive questions; Place.
“Everything we do begins with thinking. If our thinking is good, our decisions are good, our actions are good, our outcomes are good. One of the most valuable things we can offer each other is the framework in which to think for ourselves” – (Kline 2009)
The Thinking Environment is the very embodiment of mentoring as it is a deceptively simple way of seamlessly introducing participants to the key mentoring / coaching skills of: listening, effective questioning, creating rapport and being non-directive
This activity provides the key foundation for ‘Mentoring in a Thinking Environment’
The Action Planning Sheet is designed for capturing thoughts and ‘insights’, reflecting on them and committing to ‘action’