Emily Prince Educational Psychology, 2010
Educational Pschologist for Surrey County Council

Another of the highlights was meeting up with a great group of girls who went through the doctorate with me, we supported each other through the programme and will keep in touch in the future.
Research has always been an interest for newly-qualified educational psychologist Dr Emily Prince.
After studying for both her first degree and master’s in psychology at the University of Surrey, Emily decided to work at the University of Southampton, keen to work with Professors Edmund Sonuga-Barke and Jim Stevenson who study Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the effect of food additives on the condition. During the three years of her doctorate, Emily combined academic education with placements in Hampshire and Wokingham.
Southampton’s Doctorate in Educational Psychology, with the support of local authority Children’s Services departments, reflects changes to the service sparked by the government initiative Every Child Matters, and aims to enhance the quality of research evidence informing practice in this area.
“Another of the highlights of my time at Southampton was meeting up with a great group of girls who went through the doctorate with me, we supported each other through the programme and will keep in touch in the future,” adds Emily.
Emily is now an Educational Psychologist for Surrey County Council.