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The University of Southampton

CBT for LTHC: Working with cancer patients - CANCELLED Event

21 May 2012

For more information regarding this event, please telephone 02380 593578 or email .

Event details

You’ve just been told you’ve got cancer - how upset are you allowed to be? Can you still evaluate negative thoughts about such a negative situation? Wouldn’t you be depressed?

This workshop will examine the prevalence of anxiety and depression in cancer, and how unhelpful thinking biases can still occur even in the most negative of situations. Working with cognitions can still help patients even when they are at the very end of life. Through the use of patient examples we will explore how to use CBT with patients who are faced with the greatest negative thought of all - "I'm going to die".

We will look at how to work with people before, during and after treatment for cancer, examining potential trauma reactions and body image perceptions.

Speaker information

Kate Jenkins,is a Clinical Psychologist, who specialised in working with patients with physical health problems when she completed her Doctorate at Southampton University. Since 2006 she has been the Lead Psychologist for Cancer and Palliative Care at Salisbury District Hospital, as well as providing psychological interventions to patients with other physical health problems across the hospital. Kate developed a training package in 2008 that was designed to help frontline health and social care staff to detect and manage psychological distress in cancer patients and their family members. After a pilot period in which Kate delivered the training to over 300 staff, this training package has been adopted across the UK and is cited in National Peer Review Measures.

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