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The University of Southampton

Professor takes part in Guardian sexual health debate

Published: 16 July 2012

'Breaking down barriers to birth control' which discussed how family planning can reduce the number of maternal deaths in developing countries was the latest in the Guardian roundtable debates.

Professor of Health and Community Psychology, Roger Ingham , took part in the debate on 11 July alongside a host of international organisations including the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Professor Ingham commented, "DfID and Gates initiative is to be warmly welcomed, but we also need to look at other needs. Research shows that there are serious barriers in many countries to better provision - these include a serious lack of good sex and relationships education in schools, unequal gender power to make decisions, and a range of other cultural and religious barriers to progress. The Guardian roundtable event was an opportunity to share our research with others and attempt to maximise the chances of success for these powerful policy-formers and philanthropists."

To read the debate visit the Guardian online news story here

Professor Roger Ingham debates with the Minister about whether funding should be conditional on changes in countries with poor gender rights policies. If that is too long call it: Professor Roger Ingham debates international funding for sexual health

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