How do readers understand the behaviour of story characters? Inferences from brain potentials and eye movements during reading Seminar
For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Barbara Seiter on 02380 595578 or email .
Event details
Little is known about the time course of the mechanisms involved in the on-line processing of information relating to story characters.
For example, it is not clear how rapidly readers utilise information from their prior knowledge of specific well-known story characters in particular (e.g., James Bond), and prototypical social scenarios in general, when processing information relating to a character’s behaviour. I will discuss a series of studies using either event-related brain potentials (ERPs) or eye-tracking during reading to investigate how readers process event descriptions that are either consistent or inconsistent with their background knowledge. This allows for a fine-grained analysis of the time course over which readers utilise their background knowledge in processing information relating to a character’s behaviour, as well as an initial consideration of the underlying brain mechanisms involved.
Tea will be served beforehand at 15:45 in room 3096 (iZone room).
Speaker information
Dr Ruth Filik ,School of Psychology, University of Nottingham