Social and Reputational Risk Taking; Individual Reaction to Threats of Exclusion from Social Groups Seminar
For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Allyson Marchi on 02380 599645 or email .
Event details
Much recent work on social exclusion notes the overwhelmingly negative reactions that individuals have to being rejected by their group members. These maladaptive reactions suggest that rather than rebuilding connections with people, excluded individuals are caught up in a negative spiral of alienation from groups and organizations.
In contrast to people who are already excluded, individuals who are at risk of being excluded (but not yet actually excluded) may take corrective action that helps them reconnect with their group. My collaborators (Stefan Thau and Rellie Derfler-Rozin) and I have been studying such individuals and find that that their reconnection efforts can both help and harm their group. Specifically, individuals who are in danger of being excluded take increased social risks and put themselves in situations where their reputation can be damaged. They do so because they would like to signal their value to their group. I will present data from our empirical studies and discuss the implications for managing individuals who are fringe members of collectives.
Speaker information
Professor Madan Pillutla ,Madan Pillutla is Professor and Chair of the Organisational Behaviour Subject Area at the London Business School. Among his current research projects are an investigation into the origin of fair behaviour in exchange situations, i.e., are we born with the capacity to be fair or is it something we learn? Other research projects include an investigation into how people can rebuild trust following transgressions in interpersonal relationships and the effect of social rejection on employee motivation and behaviour. He is an associate editor of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes and serves on the editorial board of Administrative Science Quarterly and Academy of Management Review