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Psychosocial adjustment of adolescents with a parent with MS Seminar

16:30 - 17:30
12 December 2011
Psychology, Room 3095, Shackleton Building (Building 44), University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Allyson Marchi on 02380 59 9645 or email .

Event details

Previous research has shown that children with a parent with a chronic condition may face psychosocial difficulties. We have conducted a series of studies to explore how children adjust to their parents’ MS.

Previous research has shown that children with a parent with a chronic condition may face psychosocial difficulties. We have conducted a series of studies to explore how children adjust to their parents' MS.

Study 1: A systematic review of the literature showed a number of factors linked to children's adjustment and also that adolescents might be at increased risk of psychosocial problems compared to younger children with a parent with MS.

Study 2: Following the systematic review, we conducted a qualitative interview study with 15 adolescents with a parent with MS which showed how adolescents view their increased responsibilities and also the importance of the parent without MS to provide practical and emotional support.

Study 3: Mixed methods were used in order to develop a questionnaire (Perceptions of Parental Illness Questionnaire, PPIQ) to measure adolescents' beliefs about their parents' MS. To assess the psychometric properties of the newly developed questionnaire, 104 adolescents completed the PPIQ together with standardised measures of emotional and behavioural adjustment and illness-related impairment.  The PPIQ appeared to be valid and reliable.

Study 4: Finally, we conducted a longitudinal study in which we included 56 parents with MS, 40 partners without MS and 75 adolescent children. The findings showed that parents' anxiety and depressive symptoms, parents' emotional expression and adolescents' views about MS are associated with adolescents' adjustment. MS characteristics (e.g. MS severity, type, time since diagnosis, relapses) and adolescents' reports on parent-adolescent communication were not associated with their adjustment.

Family environment and adolescents' illness beliefs are important factors to be incorporated in future interventions to support adolescents' adjustment to parental MS.

CAHP website

Speaker information

Angeliki Bogosian ,Psychology, University of Southampton

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