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Schooling the 'vulnerable' child: Knowledge, innocence and the construction of childhood Seminar

4 June 2013
Lecture Room B (room 1057), level 1, Shackleton Building (building 44)

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Dr Sarah Parsons on 02380592977 or email .

Event details

A Seminar jointly organised by Southampton Education School’s Social Justice & Inclusive Education Research Centre and Psychology’s Centre for Sexual Health Research.

This seminar explores the relationship between ‘childhood innocence’, and children’s highly regulated access to knowledge, particularly about sexuality – often considered ‘dangerous’ to children. This presentation highlights how censorship and moral panic, reinforced through discourses of childhood innocence impacts children’s early education around sexual knowledge and sexuality in formal education and family contexts. The regulation of children’s access to knowledge and knowledge production, essentially in the name of protecting ‘childhood innocence’, operates to define and regulate both ‘normative’ childhoods and adulthoods.

Speaker information

Kerry H Robinson , University of Western Sydney, Australia. Associate Professor in Sociology

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