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The Dynamics of Eye Movements and Attention During Reading Seminar

16:00 - 18:00
30 October 2014
University of Southampton Highfield Campus Shackleton Building (Building 44) Room 3035

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Coral Abraham or Allyson Marchi at; .

Event details

Visiting Speaker - Autumn Seminar Series 2014

The component processes of reading express themselves in where in a word we look for how long and in where and how far we send the eyes next. An integrated analysis of the effects of processing difficulty related to constraints of the perceptual span and properties of foveal and parafoveal words on fixation locations, fixation durations, and saccade amplitudes remains a challenge. Multivariate statistical analyses (specifically here: linked linear mixed models) of eye movements recorded during reading of Chinese, English, German, Spanish, and Uighur sentences are a promising way forward and reveal the potential contributions afforded by crosslanguage comparative research.

Speaker information

Professor Reinhold Kliegl , University of Potsdam. Reinhold Kliegl is Professor of Psychology at the University of Potsdam. His research examines the interplay of linguistic, visual and oculomotor processes in reading, in tasks for spatial shift of attention and working memory; He also examines neural correlates and age related differences in these processes. It performs this research in DFG-funded interdisciplinary projects through with colleagues from linguistics and theoretical physics. He is a member of the Senate of the German Research Foundation, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina (National Academy of Sciences). In 2002, he received the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and in 2008, Wilhelm Wundt Medal of the German Society for Psychology.

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