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Developing a text-messaging intervention to promote smoking cessation during pregnancy Seminar

15 April 2015
Lecture Theatre B, Room 1057

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Sue McNally on 02380 595150 or email .

Event details

Developing a text-messaging intervention to promote smoking cessation during pregnancy

Cigarette smoking is a leading preventable factor associated with complications during pregnancy. Past interventions have raised cessation rates by approximately 6% overall.

The aim of this project was to develop an intervention to promote smoking cessation during pregnancy with an optimum likelihood of effectiveness.

Central to the design of the research was the theoretical basis, which encompassed not only psychological theoretical models and constructs, but other interrelated concepts such as: Behaviour Change Techniques, mode of delivery, inductively derived theory and feedback from stakeholder groups. A literature review and qualitative study were carried out to inform the development of the intervention, and further qualitative feasibility testing was completed.

Findings from this work are potentially relevant for many behavioural interventions, especially those delivered during pregnancy. An intervention which has a strong grounding in theory and evidence, and was shown to be acceptable and feasible for the target group and in clinical practice was developed using the evidence gathered.

Speaker information

Mary Steele ,Senior Research Assistant University of Southampton

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