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The development and pilot evaluation of a web based intervention for physical activity and depression Seminar

15:00 - 16:00
8 November 2016
Building 44 (Shackleton), Room 3095

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Sue McNally on 02380 595150 or email .

Event details

Background: In trials, moderate effect sizes have been found for physical activity as a treatment for depression (Cooney et al., 2013). Physical activity may also help to prevent depressive relapse, and provides additional psychological benefits such as positive self-regard and a sense of competence (Babyak et al., 2000). However, trials often recruit highly motivated individuals limiting the transferability of this evidence to depression in the real world (Nyström, Neely, & Hassmén, 2015). As such, evidence on scalable, community based interventions which promote physical activity in people with depression are needed. Aims: This talk aims to describe the development of a web based intervention to reduce depressive symptoms and promote physical activity in a community setting (eMotion). The protocol and preliminary results relating to recruitment, retention, fidelity and feasibly of the intervention will also be reported. Method: eMotion was adapted from the existing (face to face) BAcPAc intervention (Farrand et al., 2014; Pentecost et al., 2015) using the Centre for eHealth Research and Disease management Roadmap (CeHReS) (van Gemert-Pijnen et al., 2011) for the development of online interventions with a user centred approach. eMotion combines Behavioural Activation (an evidence-based psychological therapy for depression) (Hopko, Lejuez, LePage, Hopko, & McNeil, 2003) and behaviour change techniques for physical activity based on theories of self-regulation and self-determination (Deci & Ryan, R. M., 1985). Results/Conclusion: Preliminary results will be reported along with key insights so far. This study will add to the body of literature exploring the utility of adding physical activity to treatments for depression along with adding to the emerging research investigating web-based delivery systems for both mental health and behaviour change.

Speaker information

Jeff Lambert , University of Exeter. Jeff started his PhD in 2013 and is conducting research around physical activity and depression. He completed his BSc in Psychology at the University of Winchester in 2010 where his project explored links between concepts of masculinity and self esteem. After his BSc he went on to do an MSc in Health Psychology at the University of Southampton in 2012 where his project investigated web delivered health messages, tailored to improve attitudes towards physical activity. Whilst at Southampton, he also took part in extra research work assisting with a web delivered weight loss intervention. Since completing his MSc, Jeff worked for a company applying his knowledge to interventions designed to improve medication adherence in various patient groups.

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