JOINT CCCAHP SEMINAR - The role of impulsivity in persuasiveness of narrative and non-narrative messages promoting healthy eating for young people. Seminar
- Time:
- 15:00 - 16:00
- Date:
- 10 January 2017
- Venue:
- Building 44 (Shackleton), Room 3095
For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Sue McNally on 02380 595150 or email .
Event details
Impulsivity has been identified as a potential risk factor for unhealthy diet in adolescence. The use of narratives (e.g., testimonials or personal stories) in public health appeals has been found to facilitate the adoption of health-related behaviour, but is under-explored in adolescent populations. In my PhD research programme four studies examined how a key aspect of impulsivity, negative urgency, moderated the effects on adolescents’ fruit and vegetable consumption and reduced unhealthy snacking of narrative and non-narrative messages. First two studies showed that the effectiveness of narrative and non-narrative health messages may depend on adolescents’ level of impulsivity, with narratives being persuasive for those low in impulsivity and non-narratives for those high in impulsivity. Further studies investigated the mechanisms underpinning these persuasive effects and demonstrated that the effects of narrative and non-narrative messages are mediated by different cognitive processes depending on individual differences in impulsivity. Those low in impulsivity are transported (emotionally absorbed) into a narrative message and those high in impulsivity are engaged in an active elaboration of arguments presented in a non-narrative message.
Speaker information
Joanna Slodkowska-Barabasz ,Mrs Joanna Slodkowska-Barabasz is a Senior Research Assistant for Psychology at the University of Southampton. Joanna is a member of LifeGuide team where she develops and evaluates online health behaviour change interventions. Joanna is currently completing her PhD at the University of Chichester that explores the role of individual differences in impulsivity, message format, and message framing in facilitating healthy eating practices in adolescent population. In particular, the project investigated the role of individual differences in impulsivity in the effectiveness of narrative and non-narrative health messages promoting fruit and vegetable consumption and avoidance of unhealthy snacks presented in a loss and gain frame.