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Psychology Our news, events & seminars


Friday 6 July


Poster session begins


Simine Vazire, Washington University, USA
The person from the inside and outside


Matthew Hornsey, University of Queensland, Australia
What happens to personal self-esteem following collective identity threat: evidence for a compensation mechanism


Colin Leach, University of Sussex
Our virtue: the importance of in-group morality in self-perception and self-evaluation

16:15-16:45 Break

Helga Dittmar, University of Sussex
Think Ideal and Feel Bad: The Role of Self-Belief Patterns for Understanding the Impact of Idealised Media Models on Women’s and Men’s Body Image


Michelle Ryan, University of Exeter
The Glass Cliff: Examining the Impact of Precarious Leadership Positions on Women’s Organisational Identity

Saturday 7 July


Poster session begins


Adam Rutland, University of Kent at Canterbury
Identities and Acculturation amongst Young Ethnic Minority and Majority Children


Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera , Brunel University
The Emotional Experience of Prejudice among Ethnic Minorities


Martin Bruder, University of Cambridge
Emotional contagion and social appraisal across six basic emotions


Tony Manstead (keynote address), Cardiff University
Language, social identity and political attitudes



Speakers & attendees



Azia Aflaskseir
University of Southampton
Itsek Alfasi
University of Southampton
Elle Boag
University of Southampton
Lindsey Cameron
University of Kent at Canterbury
Kathy Carnelley
University of Southampton
Slywia Cicek
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Jochen Gebauer
Cardiff University
Mirona Ghioyhi
University of Sussex
Aiden Gregg
University of Southampton
Claire Hart
University of Southampton
Danny Heller
Tel-Aviv University
Sian Jones
Cardiff University
Natasha Kalamboka
University of Southampton
Andrew Livingstone
Cardiff University
Michelle Luke
University of Southampton
Sam Pehrson
University of Sussex
Jason Rentfrow
University of Cambridge
Tim Ritchie
University of Southampton
Constantine Sedikides
University of Southampton
Russell Spears
Cardiff University
Elena Stephan
University of Southampton
Wendy de Waal-Andrews
University of Southampton
Tim Wildschut
University of Southampton
Sarah Wood
University of Wisconsin-Stout, USA

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